012297 Millom numbers show that you do business locally in and around Millom. Whether you are actually based in Millom, elsewhere in the UK or abroad, one of these numbers can demonstrate your commitment to the the Millom market, also from a sales standpoint, they are 'less eager' than 08 numbers. Another advantage is that local UK numbers such as 012297can be reached reliably from overseas, whereas some non-UK telecom companies are unable to route calls to 08XX and 07XX numbers. Alternatively you may be a Millom business just wanting a simple way to get additional phone or fax numbers with the dm features, without having to go to the expense and commitment of having new phone lines installed. Callers to our local numbers pay the same as they would any local phone number, for some UK callers it may be a local call for some it may be a national rate call (for examples of pricing please visit BT, Virgin/Telewest/NTL etc).

Features of our 012297 Numbers
012297 numbers benefit from all the same great features as all our non-geographic phone numbers, such as call forwarding, call hunting, voice to email, Fax to Email, free virtual switchboard, optional live answering service etc For more information on these features please take a look at the Features page and the FAQ page.
A Low Cost Solution for 012297 Numbers - 012297 phonenumbers have a one of setup fee of £19.95 an annual fee of £60 which includes 30 minutes of calls to your 012297 number each month.
Inclusive Calls with a 012297 Number - Each month you get 60 minutes of calls to your 012297 phone number at no additional cost.
Competitive Call Pricing with a 012297 Number - Calls to your 012297 phonenumber can be forwarded to any standard UK landline at a cost to you of 5.4p per minute, but remember the first 60 minutes of calls each month are included as part of the annual fee.
Global Reach with a 012297 Number - If you need your 012297 phone number to forward calls to a number other than a standard UK landline this can be done at dmCalls rates rather than the standard 5.4p per minute. See below for details of dmCalls
dmCalls with a 012297 Number - dmCalls is an add-on service that allows you to extend the reach of your 012297 phone number, useful if you need to forward your calls to a phone other than a UK landline phone. dmCalls is also a phone package in it's own right which you can use to make calls to any phone or mobile anywhere in the UK or worldwide. Check out the dmCalls rates and see how much you can save by using dmCalls as an alternative to your regular landline or mobile service with International calls at least 40% less than BT's weekend rate and calls to UK mobiles 5% cheaper than BT's standard rate, most destinations are just 5p/min +vat including calls to US, Australia and New Zealand. If you use dmCalls to extend the reach of your 012297 number these are charged at exactly the same rates for your non UK landline forwarded calls. IT's worth taking a close look at dmCalls as it's a very advanced package that also features an online address book, itemised billing and voice activated dialling.
Choose Your 012297 Number Online - You can signup online for an 012297 phone number and search for or view the available numbers so that you can find one that you like or make sure that you get consecutive numbers.
012297 Gold Numbers Available - memorable numbers are also available for a one off additional fee, you can see which gold 012297 phone numbers are available as well as the regular numbers when you signup.
012297 Phone or Fax - when you signup you can set your 012297 phone number to be either a phone or fax number, however the number can be converted to one or the other type of number later on by logging in to the clubhouse.
Call Forwarding with a 012297 Number - any calls made to your 012297 phone number can be forwarded to your existing telephone numbers, this means you can change your phone number or location as frequently as you want and simply update your destination phone number by logging into the clubhouse, your 012297 number always stays the same. Depending on the destination number and location this may be at the regular 5.4p/min or at dmCall rates as explained above.
Call Hunting with a 012297 Number - you can register several phone number so that when our system forwards the calls to your 012297 phone number calls to your various existing phone numbers, if it does not get an answer on the first number it will try calling the second etc and finally will take a voicemail messages if unable to locate you on any of the numbers. The numbers, voicemail activation and the order of destination number preference can be changed according to whether the call is made during or outside of office hours.
Voicemail with a 012297 Number - you can choose to have all you 012297 calls diverted to voicemail, only your unanswered 012297 calls diverted to voicemail or you can is disable voicemail for your 012297 number if you wish. Voicemail messages can be retrieved by phone and/or delivered by email in a variety of formats such as MP3, RA, WAV etc.
012297 Fax Numbers - if you have a 012297 fax number you can choose to either have your faxes forwarded to a fax number you specify, or you can have your faxes delivered to you via email in a variety of file formats such as PDF, DCX etc.
Free Virtual Switchboard with a 012297 Number - our virtual switchboard system turns your 012297 phone number into a powerful virtual switchboard for without having to purchase any hardware or software, you can use your own voice recordings for your greetings and menu options or simply use the ¨robot¨ voice system instead. Base upon how you setup your switchboard you can offer callers voice menus and take actions such as forwarding to different phone numbers or voicemail according to their responses. You can activate the virtual switchboard on your 012297 number account straight away or convert it later if you prefer by logging into the clubhouse, you can also change your 012297 number back to a regular (non virtual switchboard) 012297 number at any time, again, by logging into the clubhouse. There is no additional charge to setup or use the virtual switchboard service with your 012297 number.
Optional Live Call Answering with a 012297 Number - for an additional fee you can have calls to your 012297 phone number answered by a live operator, a more personal service than relying on voicemail. See our Live Answering Service page for more details.