Local area code numbers show your business operates in a specific area by using a local area code of your choice and are now available to you as a Virtual Landline Number. A wide range of area codes are available, e.g. Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, bristol and many more. Local numbers are perfect if you want the functionality, flexibility and portability of a virtual number but want to retain a phone number with your local area code. Alternatively it may be that you do business in certain areas but your business is physically located in another area, using our local virtual numbers you can apear to be lovcated in the area you serve or have several local numbers giving the impression of several regional offices. Callers to these numbers pay the same as they would any phone number of the same area code, for some UK callers it may be a local call for some it may be a national rate call. Click on one of the local area codes shown below for more information about Virtual Landline Numbers.